Friday 11 October 2013

leadership path

Anytime God describes someone as a man after his own heart, ‘study them very well and carefully. A clear example is the life of David.
He had a humble beginning but a great finish. David began as a shepherd and ended up as a king. The chances of that happening were slim to none. In those days shepherds were so low in the totem pole that they couldn’t testify in a law court, their words wasn’t considered reliable. Yet David ended up writing the mostly read and loved psalms of all time.
When you invite God into your life He cancels the liability of your past and re-writes your future. But you must choose what he has chosen for you. There’s an interesting contrast between Paul and David. Paul sowed his wild oats before he met Christ, then went on to live an exemplary life. David became king at 30 : yet during his forty years in leadership, he experienced devastating failures. There are two lessons to be learned from these.
  1. Don’t rush to judgment. It is not over until God says it is over. David’s story is a clear warning to the transgressor, a rebuke to the self-righteous, a testimony to the justice of God that won’t allow us to escape our consequences, and to his love that will never let go of us.
  2.  God can bring good out of it. He can take every experience you’ve been through, both positive and negative, and make it work for good, either your good or the good of others. When you seek to fulfill God’s purpose in spite of your flaws, He makes all things work together for good. Romans 8:28

David was anointed to be king his teens but he only ascended the throne at thirty. Just check this out
  1. God calls the man. In spite of being un appreciated by his family, and over looked by the prophet Samuel, God picked David. He also picked Deborah to lead the nation in a male dominated society. Stop trying to figure God out, and stop comparing yourself to others!
  2. God decides the plan. Being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it. Phil 1:6.   David never thought it will take him ducking the spears of Saul the king, living in caves and working with 600 misfits who redefine the word dysfunctional. God trains you in a small sphere so you can handle bigger ones.
  3. God knows the span of time required. So the part to the throne takes patience, perseverance, commitment, plan work, endurance, until Potiphar and his wife knelt before Joseph.

Sunday 2 June 2013

there is a drop of greatness in every man

The poorest man on this earth is not the man without a penny to his name, but a man without any idea in his head. If you do not have a dime or a penny to your name doesn’t mean you’re poor, you are only poor when devoid of idea that can create opportunities for success. If you evaluate your ideas, you will understand the great power that is hidden within your heart. It was the same kind of idea that brought Microsoft corporation to place, the same idea that brought Google into existence, if you can dig dip within you, you will realize that there is drop of greatness in every man.

One very good way of maximizing your potentials in life is to be diligent, have focus, and understand that until you quit the struggle and pursuit of your dream to succeed in life you are not a failure. Please time to read proverbs chapter 12:24…….13:4…..21:5 

Saturday 1 June 2013

living by the objectives(character)

Building strong character requires having a sense of purpose. So what do you see as your life’s purpose? You have only two options, (1) speculation……one in every  five on earth today when faced with the question of  the reason they are still living , you will be surprised with the responses you will get in return. Discovering the potential in you, the routine to get to the place where you want to in life, above all you must know what you really want as a person.    (2) Revelation…..this part is the hardest because it requires you going back to the owners manual that came with you the day you were created, the you will understand the reason you were made, how to actualize that vision, how life works, what to avoid and what to expect in future.   

A good leader must develop himself in respect of his character. Living by his word, no matter what. His actions must be in line with his words, lead by example and above all, must not mix-up feelings with the of the group he finds himself.

Saturday 5 January 2013

charity works in Africa

these are people of God who volunteered themselves going about in communities organizing tuition free bible school for who wishes to attend the bible school is called The international Institute of biblical Studies. this is one example we all should emulate to touch the lives of the less privileged in our society. do you think these men have a reward for such sacrificial living?

Thursday 3 January 2013

the secret of 2013

many people in life are stuck to one spot in life because they are tired and confused about the real meaning of life. to some, their mouth is already position to the sipping point. they are tired of trying because they lack the real reasons for what their pursuit in life are. the only reason you can be call a failure this new year is to keep doing one thing the the same approach you've  been struggling all through the previous years. there is this saying that one step in the wrong direction will definitely produce millions of steps to the wrong destination, but there is is a higher law which stated that a body will continue in its present state of motion except if it is compel to change course by an external force.  this external force this new year is the power and the ability to discard shame and begin from the basics . the moment you  begin to over write those prophecies giving that you cannot go beyond where you are because of your educational background, forget the record of those who failed trying to, and focus on the record of those who have achieved success doing what others could not do, then taking one giant step in the right direction  looking at the one(GOD)  who said you can do all things through his power then the sky will be your limit.

this year is highly loaded with riches but those that understands the real secret that came with this year will swim in abundance. there is a secret book that was released by the maker of this year 2013. patiently follow me as i unveil this book in my next write up.

making the right decision

many people in life are stuck to one spot in life because they are tired and confused about the real meaning of life. to some, their mouth is already position to the sipping point. they are tired of trying because they lack the real reasons for what their pursuit in life are. the only reason you can be call a failure this new year is to keep doing one thing with the the same approach you've  been struggling all through the previous years. there is this saying that one step in the wrong direction will definitely produce millions of steps to the wrong destination, but there is is a higher law which stated that a body will continue in its present state of motion except if it is compel to change course by an external force.  this external force this new year is the power and the ability to discard shame and begin from the basics . the moment you  begin to over write those prophecies giving that you cannot go beyond where you are because of your educational background, forget the record of those who failed trying to, and focus on the record of those who have achieved success doing what others could not do, then taking one giant step in the right direction  looking at the one(GOD)  who said you can do all things through his power then the sky will be your limit.

.making the right decision in life is one of the hardest steps towards recovery from backwardness. every step a man takes in life, will eventually lead to a door of hope or disaster life is about the first step taking each day as we walk to the activities of the day. remember, that for every step taken in life, will always produce result in the positive or negative. the best step for each day, is a step that will  not satisfy your immediate need but your long time satisfaction.