Saturday 17 November 2012

encourage yourself as a leader

Are you tried of living in defeat? Then into God’s Word and get into you! ‘A scripture ‘a day keepsalm the devil away is a cut slogan, but it’ll take a lot more than that! God’s Word is like medicine. You don’t have to understand how it works, just keep taken it! Something amazing happens when soak yourself in the scriptures. Temptation loses its power overcoming strength replaces it. And each tine a scripture explodes in your understanding, your hunger for God’s Word increase.
      But that means reading your Bible even when you don’t feel like it, or have time to, or you don’t seem to be getting much out of it. God says, “As the rain and snow come down from the heaven and stay upon the ground to water the earth, and cause the grain to grow and to produce seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry, so also is my Word…. It always produces fruit. It shall accomplish all I want it to” (Isa 55:10-11 TIB). You don’t have to have certain ‘sensations’ to know God’s Words is working within you. David said, “I have thought much about your words, and store them in my heart so that they would hold me back from sin” (Ps 119:11 TLB). Then he prayed, “Open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Words” (Ps 119:18 TLB). That’s a prayer God will answer. Jesus said, “Now are ye clean through the word which I have spoken unto you” (Jn 15:3). Do you want to live clean? Birth your mind in God’s Word. Let it flow over you until every vestige of carnality is swept away.

Any tine God anoints [empowers] you, keep three things in min:
1.      To anoint is to walk alone. When God uses you to do great things, people assume you’re strong so you don’t need anything. They don’t realize that underneath it is a small, fail person who’s half-scarced-to-deah, and who’s as amazed by it as they are. And when nobody ministers to you, or you act like you have it’ all altogether,’ you become an easy target.
2.      Without God’s anointing you’re in trouble! It happen to Samson: “Then [Delilah] called ‘Samson, the Philistines are upon you!’ He awoke form his sleep and though, ‘I’ll go out as before and shake myself free.’ But he didn’t know that the lord had left him. Then the Philistine seized him” (Jud 16:20-21 NIV). God stepped back and let Samson see that it was not he doing it, but the lord. And those who lead forget this at their peril!
3.      The anointing makes the difference. Take the sling of David’s hand and the stone out of Goliath’s forehead and what are they? Worthless by themselves! So if you’re waiting for God to give you exceptional equipment before you decide to get into the fight, you’re not doing to experience great victories. God’s “strength is made perfect in weakness” (2Co 12:9). The way to know you’re true anointed is when God take substandard equipment and perform supernatural feats. And that only happen when you say,” Lord, I don’t see how you could do this through me.” Then God get the glory. And his reputation not yours is what it’s all about!

Max Lucado writes:  “A little boy is on the beach. He packs the sand with plastic shovels into a bright red bucket. The he upends the bucket and a sandcastle created.
      “A man is in his office. He shove papers into stack and delegates assignments. Numbers are juggled, contracts are signed, and a profit is made.
      “Two buildes two castiles. Yet that is where the similarities cease. For the boy sees the end why the man ignore it.

However, Trait theories have shown a significant correlation between certain qualifies and leadership effectiveness. These qualifies or traits include: intelligence, personality, tolerace,  adaptability, strong conviction, ability to motivate, aggressiveness, self- confidence, physical characteristic and ability to communicate.

Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter I the Bible. Psalm 119 is the longest. Psalm 118 is at the centre of the Bible. There are 594 chapters in the Bible before Psalm 118, and there are 594 chapter in the Bible after Psalm 118 1,188 chapters. This number can be split 118,-8, or Psalm 118:8.Now we know that the chapter division in the Bible are not part of original scripture, but isn’t it interesting how this little word –exercise work out? Or was God is the centre of it all? And if He was, shouldn’t the central verse of the Bible contain its central theme? It does: ‘It is better to trust in the lord than to put confidence in man.’
      In Psalm 118 the Psalmist  recalls seven reasons why God is worthy to be trusted: a) ‘I called upon the Lord  in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place’ (v5), b) ‘The is on my side; I will not fear what  can  man  do unto me?’(v6), c) ‘The Lord taketh   my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me’ (v7), ‘I shall not die, but to live and declare the glory of the Lord’ (v17), e) ‘The Lord hath chastened me sore: but He hath not giving me over unto death’ (v 18), f) ‘This  is the which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glade in it’(v24), g) ‘Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For his mercy endures forever’ (v29 NKJV).

      Are you in a storm today? Then read these words: ‘The boat was in the middle of the sea; and He was alone on the land. Then He saw them straining at rowing, to them, walking on the sea, and would have passed them by. And when they saw him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a ghost, and cried out… But immediately He talked with them and said to them…’It is I; do not be afraid. ‘Then He went up into the boat with them, and the wind ceased’ (Mark 6:47-51 NKJV).  There are four lessons here for us:
      1) It’s when we feel most separated form God that He’s teaching us the most. Dave Dravecky said, Looking back… I have learned that the wilderness is part of the landscape of faith, and every bit as essential as the mountaintop. On the mountaintop we are overwhelmed by God’s presence. In the wilderness we are overwhelmed his absence. Both places should bring us to our knees; the one, in utter awe; the other, in utter dependence.’ 2) God doesn’t show up early. Usually He comes in the worse part of the storm when you think you can’t take any more but He will always be on time. 3) God takes us through difference storms, revealing more of Himself to us in each one. Otherwise there are spaces of his character, and divine strategies we’d never understand. 4) God’s presence alone should be enough for us in any storm. The moment He shows up and says, ‘It is I, and our every fear should be calmed.


      One day a soldier  with fleeing from the enemy was brought before Alexander  the Great. Alexander the Great asked him, ‘What’s your name? Dropping his head, he relied, ‘Alexander. ‘Alexander the Great grabbed him by the shoulders and said, Solder, change your conduct or change your name! ‘You have been called to live a live worthy of the one whose name you carry, you must realise:
1)      You’re not unique. Your temptations ‘are no different from what others experience’ (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT). Goliath wasn’t always a giant; he was fed and nurtured until he became one. Our giant are usually little since we overlook and indulge until they assume a life of their own and come back to haunt us.
2)      You can’t do it alone. Your giant will defeat you any time you tackle him in your own strength. David told Goliath, This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us’(1 Sa muel 17:47 NLT). You need divine help to overcome hold habits and establish new behaviours. So declare with Paul , ‘Christ…. Gives me strength’ (Philippians 4:13 NLT).
3)      You must comfort your  giant head-on. The Bible says: ‘As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quikly ran… to meet him’ (1 Samuel 1 :48 NLT ). Don’t run away, don’t try to negotiate, don’t compromsee and don’t excuse.force our giant out in to ther light and don’t let him  back into your life. Establish boundaries and make youself  accountable. Stay out of the wrong company. Above all, don’t look at God in the light of your giant, look at our giant  in the light of God.

            Few things are as powerful as the rigth words spoken at the rigth time. By the same token, words witheld when their senson of opportunity is gone, aer a heavy burden  to live with. Looking back, one relationship expert offers these movng words:
            ‘I remember when Itook your new car on the road and wrecked it. I thougth you’d be livid and come down hard on m, but you didn’t. I remember when we went to the bench and you didn’t want to go because you said it was going to rain.
We went and it rained. I was sure you’d rub it in say, “I told you so!’ But you didn’t. then there was the time when  I spilled blueberry juice down the front of  yur new white tux. I knew you’d be upset and blame me. But you didn’t. And 

However, Trait theories have shown a significant correction between certain qualities and leaderships effectiveness. These qualities or traits include: intelligence, personality, tolerance, adaptability, strong

The Situational Approach
  Because of certain problems associated with the trait approach, attention is directed to the given situational l aspect of leadership. Many social psychologists believe that leaders are the product of given situations.
A great number of researches have been conducted on the premise that leadership is strongly affected by the situation from which the leader emerges and which he operates.

conviction, ability to motivate, aggressiveness, self-confidence, physical characteristics and ti communicate.

Intelligence: For a leader to lead well he must be more intelligent than his followers. However, extreme disparity in intelligence between a leader and his subordinates may not augur well with the functions of the organisation. A leader of high intelligence trying to influence his subordinates with relatively low intelligence may not be able to understand the reasons hay his people could not comprehend certain issues.  In view of this, the leader may have problems in communicating his ideas to his group members.

      Experience has shown that the most successive leaders are not original thinkers, but imitators proofing form innumerable contributions previously made other people.

Personality: Personal traits such as personal integrity, self confidence and originality are associated with effective leadership, If we could remember how personality is related to perception, attitudes, learning and motivation,  we can right say  the personality is important trait for good leadership.

Tolerance: A good leader must be to accept criticism. He must possess the ability to tolerate uncertainty and postponement without anxiety or being upset. He should be able to allow his followers free hand to use their initiative in whatever they are doing.

Ability to Motivate and Stimulate his people: Effective leader must be able to chose an organisation goal wisely, forecast the means of achieving goals. A good leader should possess the skills of inspiring and motivating his subordinated towards the attainment of both organisational and individual’’ goals .leadership must understand that some people  spend countless hours working for  organisation for which there is little or no rewards.  The only compensation is the satisfaction of doing a good job and appreciation from the leader.
   In view of this, a good leader must learn how to say thanks in many different ways as possible. A pat on the back, mere recognition thank you for doing a good job can help greatly towards building strong morals. He must always strive to satisfy his follower’s needs or give some assurance of eventual satisfaction.
Physical Characteristics: Effective leadership may not necessarily depend on factors as age, weight and appearance but on other factors. For example, individuals like Napoleon, Stalin and Truman were leaders of small status who displayed good leadership qualities. However, many people and organisations that it required hung and person with maturity in age to secure compliance from his followers.

Aggressiveness: A good leader must always be pushful in getting most of his polices implemented. He must be able use persuasion and argument effectively to convince his subordinated.
Ability to Communicate: Effective leader must be able to establish a strong communication network to enable him get his massager across to organisational members. This network will include feedbacks, which indicates if the followers actually received the message. He must realise complexity of group behaviour and interaction between feelings and tasks. He pays active attention to the discussion to know when specific functions are necessary such as summarising, clarifying, focusing an preventing too rapid closure of a topic.

Flexibility and Adaptability: This relates to the ability of a leader to respond to environment changes. The world we live in is full of changes such as:
1.      Change in economic conditions
2.      Changes within the organisation itself
3.      Social Cultural changes
4.      Political climate
 The rate of changes has increased in recent years making it necessary that a leader must be increasingly award and t these changing situations. He can use the crisis situation as an opportunity for innovation.

The Situational Approach
  Because of certain problems associated with the trait approach,  attention is directed to the given situational l aspect  of leadership. Many social psychologists believe that leaders are the product of given situations.

The best form of leadership is to lead as the servant. Do you wish been a leader?

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