Sunday 2 June 2013

there is a drop of greatness in every man

The poorest man on this earth is not the man without a penny to his name, but a man without any idea in his head. If you do not have a dime or a penny to your name doesn’t mean you’re poor, you are only poor when devoid of idea that can create opportunities for success. If you evaluate your ideas, you will understand the great power that is hidden within your heart. It was the same kind of idea that brought Microsoft corporation to place, the same idea that brought Google into existence, if you can dig dip within you, you will realize that there is drop of greatness in every man.

One very good way of maximizing your potentials in life is to be diligent, have focus, and understand that until you quit the struggle and pursuit of your dream to succeed in life you are not a failure. Please time to read proverbs chapter 12:24…….13:4…..21:5 

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