Tuesday 20 January 2015


LEADERSHIP TIPS Focusing solely on what you can do without first deciding what kind of a person you should be, is a mistake in reality. Your talent may make your name known, but your character determines what people will associate with it. Your talent may dictate your potential, but your character will determine your legacy. What is character? It is the will to do what is right! Even when it is not easy. It is about deciding ahead of time what is truly non-negotiable; count on that moment, when so called progress will call for compromising your convictions. In that moment, what hangs in the balance is your moral authority! So you must be clear about your convictions, As a leader, you will be tempted to believe that when you reach a certain level success, these challenges will disappear. But in reality, success doesn’t make anything disappear. It only raises the stakes, because what was once applauded is now simply expected. Just take a little survey on celebrities, football stars and clubs, nations and others you can count, you will be surprised to know that it is a lot easier to win the title than defending it! Further on the subject of leadership, we understand that with success comes the inclination to see yourself as the final authority on right and wrong. Look around you and you will find some leaders or rulers playing by a different set of rules. Yea right! Everything will always look right on the top level. Once intoxicated by success you start thinking the rules does not apply to you, and that can be fatal! In the final analysis, your reputation is simply how you are known before men but your character is how you are known by God

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